Energize with Lizzie
Energize with Lizzie Podcast
An easy way to project confidence, instantly

An easy way to project confidence, instantly

If you're after a simple and easy way that you can project confidence right here, right now, you're in the right place.

Have you ever found yourself in a critical work situation in which you needed to make an important phone call or voice your opinion only to be held back by self-doubt and uncertainty?

The nagging inner critic creeps in whispering that you're not good enough and your confidence takes a nosedive.

In those challenging moments a simple yet remarkably effective trick can come to your rescue.

your body and mind are deeply connected and the way you hold yourself physically can impact your mental state significantly numerous studies have highlighted the profound impact of posture and body language on our mood and how others perceive us

when we stand tall with our shoulders back and our heads held high we send a potent message to both brain and body that we are confident and capable plus when others see us exuding confidence through our body language they are more inclined to perceive us as solid and competent

In the modern workplace, many of us spend the majority of our days in a contracted position.

We're hunched over our desk, staring at phones and computers, our bodies constricted in a way that hardly reflects confidence and power.

Our physical posture informs our mental state, small and vulnerable.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Imagine yourself before a high-stakes meeting.

Your heart may be racing and self-doubt might be creeping in.

Instead of slouching or hunching over, straighten your spine, square your shoulders and take up space in the room.

As you consciously adjust your posture, you're not only sending signals to those around you that you're ready and capable, you're also reprogramming your own mindset.

You're telling yourself that you have the authority and confidence to handle the task at hand.

The next time you need to make an important phone call, contribute to a crucial discussion, ace a job interview, impress a client meeting, deliver a compelling speech or seal the deal in a sales pitch, try the following mindset-boosting micro move to project confidence and make a more impactful impression.

Try this, the Posture Power-Up.

In the dynamic world of business where confidence and authority are paramount, mastering your posture is the key to unlocking your professional potential.

Introducing the Posture Power Up, a game-changing technique that empowers you to unleash your professional presence fast.

Whether you do it at your desk before logging on to a virtual meeting or find a quiet corner, many people choose the bathroom.

By incorporating this simple yet transformative practice into your daily routine, you'll project an air of competence, establish credibility and command attention like never before.

Prepare to power up your posture with these six easy steps.


Lizzie Williamson

Workplace wellness expert, author and founder of Two Minute Moves and my new book, The Active Workday Advantage, is available wherever you buy your books.

Energize with Lizzie
Energize with Lizzie Podcast
Energize with Lizzie brings you micro mindset tips, motivation and some moves for macro impact. Get ready to feel your most energised, engaged and happy self.